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Andrew McKimmon


I was introduced to the game in 2012 when some co-workers asked me if I wanted to go throw things and hit stuff! I was intrigued and tagged along with them to the local park in which they had designed an 18-hole course comprised of natural targets. I was hooked after that first day and have never looked back.
I started playing league events and tournaments the following year and realized quickly that there was so much to learn. I listened carefully to the club members who demonstrated excellence in their game in hopes to pick up tips and techniques that would help me to improve my own game. This sport brings out the generosity in people; everyone is willing to share how they improved their distance or how to throw a specific shot style or shape. I love how disc golf has provided me with many new faces, people who I now consider to be part of my family. I appreciate the camaraderie associated with travelling, playing, and competing.
During one of my events, I noticed a fellow competitor throwing a unique looking MVP disc that featured a black outer ring. He let me try his Fission Wave and that started my MVP journey.

  • First Name Andrew
  • Last Name McKimmon
  • Player Division MA50
  • Throwing Styles RHBH, RHFH
  • Year Started in Disc Golf 2012
  • Year Started Throwing GYRO 2021
  • Favorite Course Hillcrest Farm, PEI
  • Favorite Event Nationals